AHPA Pre-Course

The annual AHPA online pre-course takes place prior to the CRA Annual Scientific Meeting and is comprised of distinct and/or themed topics. The pre-course is currently free to AHPA members and invited guests.

Recordings of past pre-course sessions are freely available for viewing by our members (please sign in to view).


AHPA OnlineED offers up arthritis continuing education that is convenient so that members can participate where (i.e., home or workplace) and when they want. OnlineED is comprised of two different components, both of which feature sessions that are 1-hour in length and occur throughout the calendar year.

Hot Topics provides traditional didactic learning the goal of which is to update and educate our members about various inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis-related topics.

One webinar will be delivered by the ACPAC SIG to the AHPA membership each year.


  • Provide evidence-based knowledge
  • Focus on disease and/or treatment updates, as well as what’s new in the field of rheumatology care
Information about upcoming sessions is available on the Events page.

K2A provides applied knowledge that can help clinicians and researchers improve their practice or work.


  • Provide a range of learning experiences including ‘Journal Club’, ‘Meet the Research Expert’, and ‘Meet the Clinical Expert’
  • Utilize strategies that engage learners at a deeper level
  • Support peer or member-to-member learning
  • Showcase the expertise of our clinician and researcher members

Key aspects of this learning:

  • Balances traditional didactic learning with a time-limited (e.g., 1 week) facilitated discussion
  • Discussions focus on the question of “What does this learning mean to my practice or work?”
  • Discussions may include case- or problem-based learning
  • Presenters come from the ranks of the AHPA membership, supplemented with non-member arthritis expertise 
Information about upcoming sessions is available on the Events page.