2025 Membership Drive now open!
Membership Benefits
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Membership Types & Fees
Regular MembershipClinicians: All allied health professionals working or interested in arthritis care practice (including but not limited to dietitian, kinesiologist, nurse, occupational therapist, pharmacist, physical therapist, psychologist, social worker). Researchers/Administrators: For researchers/administrators interested in rheumatology practice. Excludes Physician Researchers. |
Regular + ACPAC SIG MembershipFor allied health professionals working or interested in arthritis care practice who have completed ACPAC training, or are currently ACPAC program students, and want to be a part of the Special Interest Group (SIG). |
Student MembershipFor full-time health degree or research degree students. Students are eligible for membership if they have a demonstrated interest in arthritis care practice, research, or education, and are studying for a degree/diploma that upon being granted would qualify for registration as a Clinical, Research or Administrative Member. Student applicants will be required to demonstrate proof of their full-time student status. This membership category does not apply to ACPAC trainees.
Regular Membership: $125 CAD |
ACPAC SIG Membership: Regular Membership $125 + ACPAC SIG $25: $150 CAD |
Student: $50 CAD |
Provincial Taxes apply:
HST #: 83682-9630-RT0001
QST #: 1225998767
Honorary Membership
An Honorary member is defined as someone who has been a member of AHPA for at least 10 years; has been actively involved in the life of AHPA, has rendered distinguished service to AHPA (ie served on the AHPA Board of Directores), is permanently retired, and has been nominated by another AHPA member. The AHPA Board of Directors will review nominations and make the final decision. Contact membership@ahpa.ca to find out more.