AHPA is a dynamic organization with a range of benefits that include:

Educational webinars throughout the year.

Annual online pre-course with engaging and inspiring speakers.

Grants to support the research endeavours of our members.

MONTHLY newsbriefS with updates from the board, current news and articles related to arthritis care, and links to educational and professional opportunities.*

Awards – Research, Lifetime Achievement, Exceptional Service and Clinical Innovation 

* Web page is only viewable when signed in as a member.  

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Other benefits include:

Newsflash Bulletins

Free access to Canadian Rheumatology Association (CRA) webinars and selected resources.

Reduced registration fee to attend the CRA/AHPA Annual Scientific Meeting

Free subscription to the Canadian Rheumatology Association Journal (CRAJ)

Free online subscription to The Journal of Rheumatology!


We encourage you to peruse the website to learn more about how AHPA may support your work as an arthritis clinician, researcher, or administrator.

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