
Technology for Health and Wellness

You are invited to participate in a study entitled Technology for Health and Wellness that is being conducted by Dr. Elizabeth Borycki, Professor from the School of Health Information Science at the University of Victoria. This research is being funded by Health Research BC, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and has been approved by the University of Victoria Ethics Board.

Purpose and Objectives

This study is part of a larger study that aims to learn more about technologies for health and wellness.

Importance of this Research

Technologies for Health and Wellness are becoming increasingly used in providing healthcare. To better understand how technologies for health and wellness affect our information needs, affect how we think (i.e., cognition) and take care of our health and wellness, the researcher will interview citizens, caregivers and individuals who use these technologies in the home, work, community, and clinic contexts.

Who Should Participate

If you are a:

  • Person who uses technology for health and wellness
  • Over the age of 18
  • Able to read, write and speak English.
What is involved?

If you consent to voluntarily participate in this research, you will be asked to:

  • Complete a demographic questionnaire.
  • Complete an eHealth Literacy questionnaire.
  • Take part in a 30-to-60 minute audio recorded interview (by video or phone call).

To compensate you for any inconvenience related to your participation, you will be given a $25 coffee card.


If you would like to learn more about this study, you may contact:   

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